
Cambian’s Valuebuilder Process is a systematic and holistic way of growing the value of businesses. The process is focused on improving the strategy and internal capabilities. A diagram of the Valuebuilder Process is shown below.

Figure: Valuebuilder Process

The steps in turn are:

  1. Analysis & Planning: Produces a detailed plan for “upgrading” each operational area of the business in the most efficient manner possible. It also involves identifying any “low-hanging-fruit” opportunities for improving the performance and value of the business immediately.
  2. Capital & Finance: Assesses the capital efficiency of the business, and whether surplus capital can be extracted or whether further capital is needed. We also assess the financial performance and robustness of the business at this point.
  3. Processes & Systems: Streamlines processes and upgrades operating systems for the entire business efficiently –  a pre-requisite for any business to operate competitively into the future.
  4. People: Of course, the development and engagement of your people is a focus for every successful business at every stage of this process. However, this step is about giving special attention to how best to create engagement and get the best possible outcomes for your business and your staff from the current performance and future potential of this most critical resource.
  5. Products & Services: Generates enduring competitive advantage through the creation of a continuous improvement culture. No two businesses are the same in this regard, so it’s not possible to generalise in advance as to what will make the key difference in your business.
  6. Marketing & Sales: An area of major change for most businesses in the digital age. Hence, we bring in experts with skills in digital and other forms of marketing and sales that enable you to reach your target customers most efficiently and effectively.
  7. Governance, Risk & Sustainability: As with people, there is no stage of the process at which risk and sustainability is not front of mind. Here, it’s a matter of giving it particular attention to safeguard the future of your business and identify and mitigate the known and possible risk exposures.
  8. Leadership & Innovation: In most businesses these are the ultimate factors determining success in the long-term. Most businesses are limited by their level of leadership and innovation throughout the business. In order to raise the business to the next level, it is usually necessary to increase the capabilities of its leadership and its capacity to innovate. We achieve this through leadership development at multiple levels within the business and by shifting the focus from operations to strategy. We will also assist you to move from ad hoc innovation to systematised innovation and a culture of innovation.

A systematic, objective good hard look at every aspect of your business will undoubtedly reveal areas of opportunity and challenge. It’s the kind of good hard look that, one-day, anyone contemplating buying your business will take – and with good reason. The more opportunities you can pursue, and the more challenges you can eliminate, the higher the value you will create.


Indicative value calculation

We start the process of building value by calculating the indicative value of your business.  You may undertake this step free of charge by completing the online questionnaire at the link below. Once the form is submitted, your information will be kept confidential, and when processing is completed you will be sent an email with the report attached in PDF form, to the contact details provided.

Please note that the results are indicative only and not a formal valuation. If you require a formal valuation of a business, we work closely with business valuation experts whom we can recommend.  For their details, please email Grant Kirby at

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